For instance, yesterday on the way home from my mom's, where he had aquired a bad of cheese puffs and a box of fruit snacks, the negotiations began.
I ask, "What would you like for dinner tonight." I always give him choices because he is a picky eater and he's so little the boy needs to eat. He's also as stubborn as I and if he doesn't want it he won't eat than I spend the night hearing his belly growl but he won't give in. Usually he picks healthy food so most days this works.
Without hesitation he replies "Cheese Puffs and fwoot snacks. That's why Grandma gave them to us mom. DUH! You don't have to cook now."
As I explain those are snacks and he can have one or the other AFTER dinner, he comes back quick with "But Mooooommmm it's cheese and fwoot and Gramdma said we could have them."
"Not for dinner she didn't and you have to eat real food first. Last chance, what would you like for dinner Jimmy."
"I can't eat dinner Mom it makes me sick. Oh and those are real food or they wouldn't be at the gwocery "
"and why does dinner makes you sick?" I'm curious and laughing, nice try.
"It just does, but the puffs and fwoot snacks will be ok. They don't make my belly hurt." He's as serious as a heart attack.
My reply, "So if dinner makes you sick then can you eat supper?" Let's see if you know the difference there smarty pants!
"Yeah" he sighs,"But only if supper is cheese puffs and fwoot snacks!" And he crosses his arms and smiles like he won something.
When we got home it was chicken nuggets, tater tots and broccoli followed by fruit snacks. ~Mom won this one.
Tonight no arguments for dinner, but bedtime is when it hit. He's a climber and takes full advantage of it when Mommy has her hands full with Kaitlin. As I get her out of the bath I see him run past the bedroom straight for the kitchen. I think nothing of it until I hear the celebration. It's then I realize I hid candy. Sour Patch Kids to be exact, His Favorite!
"Mom you're the best! I have sour kids! I was good huh?"
"Jimmy get off the counter and out of the cabinet and bring those here."
"Oh no I'm busy I'll open them! Thank You Mommy! I love you! You're my best buddy!"
OK heart melting, he knows I love it when I'm his "best buddy" BUT it's 8:30 and bedtime and if it wasn't a work/school night he'd probably get away with it. I've given in before out of pure exhaustion but learned my lesson there! So let's just get the bag to mommy Unopened!
"Jimmy bring them here please" as I'm now wrestling KK to get her into her jammies and she's excited thinking she's getting her "patches". Definately not for that one, she's a demon hopped up on sugar!
"Oh mommy you're so busy and sis needs her hair brushed. How bout I'll get them AND pick my toys up and you go watch TV when you're done! Thank you I love them"
Well let me say he knows how to charm Mommy. Mommy is tired and over my dead body is that candy being opened tonight! I leave KK to brush her own hair in the mirror (hey I've also learned mirrors keep Divas busy for at least 3 minutes) and reclaim Mommy's "quiet time".
As I'm tucking them in he's very persistant! "How about just one or two? I was so good at school."
"Not happening Junior, it's bedtime!"
"But Mom don't you love me? I neeeeeeed them." He's starting to tear up as I chuckle. Funny though KK gets it and she's on my side as I hear a very stern "Bubby, mommy said NO it's night night."
He's crying now, "Mommy their my favorite. Can I just sleep with them in my bed. I pwomise I won't open them."
Yeah right! Mommy wasn't born yesterday.
"But what if I pwomise to be good tomorrow too or if I do the dishes?" Tears rolling from his sweet little face. "Mommy you don't want me sad do you?"
"No I want you asleep and up early for school. No candy! I Love You and I'm sorry you're sad!"
So it's hugs, kisses and high fives for both and I close the door.
Five minutes he cried for those fruit snacks then fell asleep. See I am getting this, but they are getting bigger and smarter!
Below is what happens when the oposing t-ball coach tells him you can't use a bat because it's pink! Coach Mom told him use the bat he could hit best with! I love that boy more than words can describe!

LOL!!! Don't you just love their logic?!!
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!! It's so nice to meet you! :)
Let the manipulation begin! LOL.
I LOVE that picture :)
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