1. If you could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
This was tough for me, but I've finally chosen Sarah Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy. I love the show and when she came onto the show I just adored her. It's nice to see someone cast that doesn't look like she's starved! She's beautiful and strong and I have a feeling she's a lot like that in real life, though I could be wrong. But that's who I choose.
2. What do you remember about your first day of school?
I remember starting Kindergarten and getting to school and waiting in the gym. I was scared to death. I knew my sister was at school and all I wanted was her. I remember crying so hard that they went and got her for me. She sat with me and held my hand and assured me I was alright. I guess my fear of being alone started real early. It took a few weeks before I could go to class by myself but until I was ready she was there everyday holding my hand!
3. Who makes you laugh more than anyone in the world?
That is hands down my kids. They bring me new laughs everyday! From camo boy, to KK's crazy hair, pretending to be cats for a whole day, embarassing me, their favorite songs (The five dollar footlong song from Subway and the theme from Cops), dancing, playing, dressing up and even their imaginary friend "Mack" the bumble bee!

4. If you could choose your own first name, what would it be?
I've grow to love my name though there are a million other Jennifer's in this world! Going through school there were never less than three of us in a class at one time. If I had to choose it would hands down be Grace. Only because I have NO grace. I am by far the biggest clutz in the world. How I have managed to not injure myself more severly or even my children is beyond me. As I told someone last night..."It's all part of my charm!" =)
5. If you could fly in a hot-air balloon over any city in the world, what city would you choose?
Another difficult one for me. I have a slight fear of heights but I am wanting to overcome this by flying in a Hot Air Ballon and sky diving! It's hard to pick just one city. I'll pick anything tropical or specifically I'm going to pick Fiji. It's just beautiful. See the pic below. Any Island that resembles a heart works for me!
You did so good! It was hard for me to pick questions for you because I already knew the answers to everything I thought of :)
You said it right on about Sarah Ramirez. I feel the same way about her and "our" name. There are so many Jennifers it's amazing.
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