So we FINALLY went to see Santa. It was an adventure. The line took an hour and a half. KK "needed" to be held the entire time. lol My poor aching back. To me it beat listening to her scream "hold you Mommy" in the middle of a crowded mall!
Lil man was good he just hung out on my leg the entire time, literally.
Neither believed that standing in line would lead us to Santa, but they were soon proved wrong! First thing my little Diva says to the lady is, "are you the person with the camera to take my picture?" Seriously? I waited in that line so she could have her picture taken?
Lil man told Santa he wanted a "bullet gun" (it's taken me weeks to figure out what he was asking for!) Yeah he's so NOT getting one either, he's four for Pete's sake! He'll shoot everyone's eye out!
Needless to say they asked of Santa presents and candy! They are easily satisfied kids! Got two christmasy stuffed dogs. We stopped to get cookies on the way out because they were so good!
Then it was back into the van with "she's touching me" and "my dog is better than yours". Ahhh I wouldn't trade either for the world! It's moments like these I'll miss in 15 years!
The kids pic is so cute! I love it. I didn't take Mason to see Santa. I feel kind of bad about it b/cuz it's his first Christmas, but he isn't going to remember it. Maybe I'll just wait til next year. Men are such asses - ya know? I know ya get me on that one. YOU of anyone should get that. LOL Love ya! Merry Christmas!
Jenn, thanks for your comment. I am reading you now, beeee good, wink. Have a great one and keep blogging lady.
ps. beautiful children
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